10 Natural Ways to Increase Energy (for Women)
If you’re looking for some healthy ways to naturally increase your energy, then you’ll want to check out this article with ten tips. From lifestyle habits to food choices to supplements, this article is intended for women who want to feel more energetic naturally.
Imagine this: you wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and excited about what you have planned for the day. You go about your morning activities feeling energetic and fulfilled.
As you move into the afternoon and evening, you start to slow down, but not so much that you can’t make a nice dinner for your family or friends and enjoy spending time together. When it’s time for bed, you melt into sleep effortlessly and without worry.
Wouldn’t be that nice?!
The truth is that this is how we are meant and deserve to live, but our modern lifestyles create so much stress and illness that most of us aren’t enjoying energetic and full days.
And, as women, we are often dealing with so things that increase our overall stress levels. From working, raising children, helping parents and friends, to managing a household, our own well-being and self-care can get pushed aside.
The tips in this article are meant to help you increase your energy quickly and safely.
10 Tips on How to Increase Energy Naturally
1. Eat a Real Food Diet
In 2017, a report was published showing that more than half of the foods eaten in the American diet are ultra-processed foods. That means that the foods are low in nutrients, but high in oils and refined sugars.
In contrast, real foods are ones that are minimally processed or are just in their pure, whole form. Think: fruits, vegetables, complex carbs, whole grains, healthy fats, beans, nuts and seeds, meats, fish, and poultry.
A real food diet can work wonders for energy levels because the fiber helps prevent blood sugar swings and real foods are rich in vitamins and minerals that fuel our bodies. Real food = energy!
A real food diet doesn’t have to be complicated! See my articles on the first step to clean eating, how to eat clean, and healthy grocery shopping list.
If you want more support transitioning to a clean eating approach, you can also check out my Clean Eating Mini-Course.
2. Work on Sleep Hygiene
Sleep hygiene refers to all of the activities that we do in preparation for sleeping well. This can include everything from not eating or exercising too close to bedtime to having a consistent bedtime.
It might sound so common sense to even mention it, but sleeping well means that you’ll have more energy. In fact, the most common cause of fatigue is not sleeping well or not sleeping enough.
If you can get refreshing, consistent sleep most of the time, you will likely naturally have a lot more energy.
Try it!
For one week, set a bedtime and stick to it. Make sure that you allow enough time for 7-9 hours of solid, consistent sleep. If you tend to wake up a lot, expand your time in bed to make sure you are actually sleeping the minimum number of hours.
Once you are fully rested with enough sleep, you will find that your body will start to adapt to your sleep schedule and hopefully your overall energy levels will naturally start to increase.
You should wake up feeling energized and ready to take on the day.
3. Eat More Protein
A balanced diet means getting enough of the macronutrients, including carbs, fat, and protein.
If you’re following a super strict diet, your macronutrients might be out of balance and that might lead to fatigue. Or, you may not be eating enough calories overall which can lead to lower energy.
A paleo diet or a clean eating diet is probably the best blueprint for a healthy way of eating that is sustainable for the long term.
It’s one thing if your doctor is supervising a restricted diet for medical purposes, but it’s another thing if you’re following a diet just because it’s trendy. If you don’t have energy while you’re on a diet, then that’s a sign it’s probably not working for you.
You can read my articles on the risks of a ketogenic diet and dangers of a vegan diet with solid reasons why super-restrictive diets can cause more harm than good. And fasting is no better! See my article on the risks of intermittent fasting for women.
If you’re confused about which foods contain protein, then check out this article with the best sources of protein.
The bottom line is that eating more protein can increase energy for several reasons. Protein is an energy source, but it also gets metabolized more slowly than carbohydrates. It’s satiating and helps keep blood sugar levels stable without blood sugar spikes.
For some protein rich recipes, try my Strawberry Protein Smoothie, Overnight Protein Oats, or my Protein Coffee. It’s easy to increase the protein in many recipes using my list of the best clean protein powders.
4. Address Chronic Pain or Infections
So many people live in chronic pain or infections that deprive them of sustained energy and reduce overall health.
I only learned in the past few years that I had high levels of Epstein-Barr virus in my system (you can read more in my article about reasons why you might always feel tired). This is the virus that can cause chronic fatigue syndrome.
If you suspect you might have a chronic infection, it’s best to see a functional medicine practitioner who can do the appropriate lab testing.
5. Optimize Your Thyroid
Hypothyroidism, or having low thyroid, is now an epidemic in our country. Thyroid issues can be genetic or can be caused by stress or environmental toxins.
There’s no shame in taking supplemental thyroid hormone as long as you can get the lab testing to manage it. Don’t let your doctor just test your TSH; you need to get the full thyroid panel to get an accurate diagnosis. Learn more about the most important lab tests for women.
You may need to consider a gluten-free and dairy-free diet to help reverse thyroid disease.
6. Reverse Anemia
Anemia, or having low iron stores, is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world.
If you’re a pre-menopausal woman having regular periods, you are at high risk of anemia. You might not even have diagnosable anemia, but even just low iron stores (as measured by blood ferritin), can lead to fatigue.
Low iron stores can also cause the thyroid to underperform which can also lead to feeling tired.
I wrote about anemia and how to test and reverse it in this post about supplements for women in our 30s and the best vitamins for teenage girls.
Other ways to raise iron levels include using cast iron cookware (read more about choosing the safest cookware), consuming vitamin C-rich foods with iron-rich foods to increase absorption, and eating red meat.
7. Manage Stress
We’ve all heard how important it is to manage stress, but do you know why? Stress is a killer, literally!
While some stress is healthy and natural, chronic stress can lead to lower energy levels, heart disease, reduced brain function, and disease. Learning to manage stress might just be one of the best things you can ever do for your health.
There are lots of easy ways to get started lowering stress levels.
Asking for help, cutting back on social media, getting outdoors for regular exercise, and talking to a friend are some ideas that come to mind. Even just sitting quietly for at least 5-10 minutes each day can lower blood pressure and improve stress resilience. Try it and see if you notice your energy increase.
8. Take Short Afternoon Naps
Sleep experts seem to agree that long naps over 60 minutes can be counter-productive, but that short, 20-30 minute naps can boost productivity. The exception might be if you are trying to recover from insomnia, then it’s better to avoid naps until you are sleeping through the night again.
For most people, though, taking a nap when you’re tired can be really beneficial in raising energy levels, especially during the afternoon.
Humans aren’t meant to be “on” all the time, so give yourself a break, especially when during those times when you feel your body slowing down. When you get up, you should feel refreshed and energized.
9. Get Morning Light
During the winter months, people can suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or the winter blues. This type of depression can lead to low energy and just feeling blah.
Getting early morning light, even in the form of a desktop LED daylight, is one proven way to feel better and boost energy levels. It’s also better for your circadian rhythm to get exposed to light in the morning (ideally doing some sort of physical activity like a walk).
If you have depression, then you likely will be more tired, so getting your mental health under control is important for many reasons, including having more energy.
10. Take Appropriate Supplements
During those times when we need a quick fix to increase energy, it can be tempting to eat sugar or drink caffeine. Those are not health-promoting or long-term strategies, though. I prefer a long-term strategy of healthy habits combined with supplements to boost any deficiencies.
See my list of the best supplements for natural energy below.
Supplements to Consider for Natural Energy
The following seven supplements are ones that can help balance your mood, sleep better, and increase energy naturally. As alway, please check with your healthcare provider before adding new supplements to your routine.
1. Sleep Support
If you’ve cleaned up your sleep routine but you still have trouble sleeping through the night, you’re not alone. Changing hormones, stress, and even diet can all impact how well we sleep. There are some natural, gentle supplements that can help.
Favorite sleep support supplement:
2. B Vitamins
B vitamins are so powerful and important for health.
Some people can feel the energy benefits just 30 minutes after taking a good B vitamin. For that reason, it’s best to take them in the morning so they won’t impact your sleep.
Recommended brand of vitamin B:
3. Ashwagandha
Have you heard of ashwagandha? It’s an adaptogenic herb, meaning that it works with your needs. Ashwagandha is especially helpful for managing stress, but it can also help boost energy.
Recommended brand:
4. Rhodiola
Rhodiola is another adaptogenic herb that can help increase energy and boost mood. It’s not appropriate for anyone who has been diagnosed as bipolar, but it has research showing it helps depression.
Like with B Vitamins, it’s best to take Rhodiola early in the day so it doesn’t interfere with sleep.
Recommended brand:
5. Green Tea Extract
Green tea does have some caffeine, but it’s usually gentler than the caffeine in coffee or soda. Green tea also has antioxidants known as catechins, which have been shown to improve cholesterol levels.
Recommended brand:
6. Selenium
Selenium is a mineral that helps with the conversion of the inactive form of thyroid hormone to the active form.
Research shows that many people would benefit from taking a selenium supplement which can then help reverse thyroid issues. Be sure to read the label and don’t take more than recommended unless otherwise indicated by your healthcare professional.
Recommended brand:
7. CoQ10
You can read more about CoQ10 in this article I did with supplements for women over 50.
Most people would benefit from considering this supplement.
Recommended brand:
FAQs About Increasing Energy
It’s not ideal to take supplements just to increase energy and focus because you are most likely going to end up using caffeine, energy drinks, or something that will also increase your stress hormones. I would advise you to speak with your healthcare provider and to consider the long-term approaches outlined above.
If you’re looking for a quick energy boost, a 20-minute nap is your best bet.
Real food, short naps, light activity, and a healthy, balanced lifestyle are known natural energy boosters.
Ready to start eating clean but need support? Check out my Clean Eating Mini-Course that is designed for anyone new to eating a real food diet. Get my healthy shopping guide, recipes, and access to my private online support community. Join now.
My Experience
I’ve been there. I spent so many years living with undiagnosed autoimmune disease that I can’t tell you how many years of my life were lost. I’m grateful that I’ve gotten my life back and that I can work towards my goals with joy and vibrancy. You can read more about my clean eating journey here.
No matter what you’re dealing with, whether it’s chronic illness or something else, I hope this post offers some holistic and natural ways to have more energy. Life is too short to be spent feeling crappy and miserable.
Don’t Miss These Related Resources
I hope that you found some useful information from this article. If you’re feeling tired all of the time, then that means your body is asking you to make some changes. There are foods, habits, and supplements that can help you increase energy naturally.
Don’t forget to join my newsletter list to get exclusive clean eating recipes and tips. The newsletter is 100% free with no spam; unsubscribe anytime.
About the Author: Carrie Forrest has a master’s degree in public health with a specialty in nutrition and is studying to be a holistic nutritionist. She is a top wellness and food blogger with over 5 million annual visitors to her site. Carrie has an incredible story of recovery from chronic illness and is passionate about helping other women transform their health. Send her a message through her contact form.
Note: this post is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider for recommendations related to your individual situation.
It can be a challenge to keep up with being healthy. I will have to check out these supplements – I like the ones that you list. I take a lot of different supplements but surprisingly haven’t tried any of these.
I love Vitacost. And Ashwagandha is one of my favorites too. Oh, and I’m totally on the same page as you with extreme diets. I’m always a bit concerned when people do keto by eating a bunch of bacon and cheese. To each their own but I think that can bring up a new set of problems.
These are great suggestions! Between work and my family, I’m constantly exhausted. I’ve learned that managing stress and consistently taking my B-12 helps me have more energy.
These are all great ways to try and have more energy. I know I feel like I lack energy more often than not. I’ll definitely be giving some of these a try, thanks for sharing!
Thanks for all of the tips. I am working on clean eating and trying to do what is best for my body. I am not do everything I should though and these tips will help me.
I have been getting my energy from working out daily in the gym. However, I like the idea of getting more supplements to help to boost my performance further.
Such great tips, especially #1! I need to work on my appropriate supplements this year (like Vitamin D)!
Thanks for compiling this great information to help increase energy!Proper management and care of thyroid and anemia are so key – right one! I definitely like the addition of the B vitamins – they are so helpful when I’m dragging!
So glad I found this post. We have been having such a hard time finding the energy to stay up past 8:00! I was hoping it’s just the winter time, but definitely trying some of your tips. As I sit here and yawn…. ugh!
Wonderful post! I really noticed a difference in my energy levels once I started incorporating adaptogens! I’m now obsessed with them!
-Madi xo | http://www.everydaywithmadirae.com